Applied Mathematics Certification
Applied Mathematics
Online Program Overview
Minimum GPA
Qualifying Exam
"Applied mathematics deals with the use of mathematical concepts and techniques in various fields of science and engineering. Historically, mathematics was first applied with great success in astronomy and mechanics. Then it developed into a main tool of physics, other physical sciences, and engineering. It is now important in the biological, geological, and social sciences. With the coming of age of the computer, applied mathematics has transcended its traditional style and now assumes an even greater importance and a new vitality.
Compared with the pure mathematician, the applied mathematician is more interested in problems coming from other fields. Compared with the engineer and the physical scientist, he or she is more concerned with the formulation of problems and the nature of solutions. Compared with the computer scientist, he or she is more concerned with the accuracy of approximations and the interpretation of results. Needless to say, even in this age of specialization, the work of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers frequently overlaps. Applied mathematics, by its very nature, has occupied a central position in this interplay and has remained a field of fascination and excitement for active minds." (C.K. Chu, 1987-1988 SEAS Bulletin)
CVN provided me the flexibility to obtain an MS in Applied Math even though I relocated from the United States to Mexico. Columbia Video Network gave me the opportunity to learn more, be a student, work, get married, and even have a baby! I could not have done it without this program.
Admissions Requirements
Applicants to the Certification of Professional Achievement Program must submit official transcripts, 3 letters of recommendation, personal-professional statement, resume, and the $150 application fee.
Candidates for the Certification of Professional Achievement Program must complete the program of study as defined by the appropriate department.
- 4 Graduate-level classes all earned through CVN, as a non-degree student.
- Minimum of 12 credit points
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Completion of program within two (2) calendar years.
Program requirements for completion of these Certification Programs are listed below:
- 4 Graduate-level classes all earned through CVN, as a non-degree student.
- Minimum of 12 credit points
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Completion of program within two (2) calendar years.
Course List
- APMA E4101: Introduction to nonlinear Dynamical Systems
- APMA E4200: Partial Differential Equations I
- APMA E4204: Functions of a Complex Variable
- APMA E4300: Numerical Methods
- APMA E4301: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Elective Courses:
Additional courses not listed below can be applicable towards the elective requirement, subject to the approval of the faculty advisor.
- APMA E4400: Introduction to Biophysical Modeling
- APPH E4100: Quantum Physics of Matter
- APPH E4200: Physics of Fluids
- APPH E4210: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- APPH E4300: Applied Electrodynamics
- APPH E4301: Introduction to Plasma Physics
- MSAE E4215: Mechanical Behavior of Structural Materials
Tuition & Fees
2023–2024 Tuition & Fees
Please note that all tuition and fees are in U.S. dollars and are estimated. Tuition and most fees are prescribed by statute and are subject to change at the discretion of the Trustees.
CVN Credit Tuition: $2,584.00 per point (Credit Hour)
CVN Fee: $395 non-refundable fee per course
Transcript Fee: $105 non-refundable one-time fee
Tuition Deposit: $1,000 (More information on our Resources page)
Estimated cost of one nondegree course: $8,252.00
Estimated total cost of certification (four courses): $32,693.00
Estimated total cost of MS (ten courses): $81,575.00
*Estimated total cost of DES (ten courses plus a minimum of 12 research credits): $112,583.00
Graduate Admission Application Fee: $85 non-refundable one-time fee
Certification Program Application Fee: $85 non-refundable one-time fee
Late Registration Fee: $100 non-refundable fee
CVN Withdrawal Fee: $75, plus prorated tuition and all non-refundable fees
For example: A three-credit course would be $7,752 + transcript fee $105 (one-time) + CVN fee $395 = $8,252
*Assumes DES student enrolls in two six-credit research courses.
For Drop/Withdrawal fees and dates, refer to the Academic Calendar for the current term.
Please note: CVN no longer offers courses for audit.
Payment should be mailed to:
Attn: Shewanna House
Accounting & Business Management
Senior Student Services Rep
Payments & Deposits
210 Kent Hall, Mail Code 9205
1140 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027
Before you mail your check or money order, please take careful note of the following requirements to ensure the timely processing of your payment:
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