Industrial Engineering Certification

Online Program Overview

Degree Level
Total Credits
Fully Online
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Minimum GPA
Qualifying Exam
GRE Not Required

Industrial Engineering is the branch of the engineering profession that is concerned with the design, analysis, and control of production and service operations and systems. Originally, an industrial engineer worked in a manufacturing plant and was involved with the operating efficiency of workers and machines. Today, industrial engineers are broadly concerned with productivity and all of the technical problems of production management and control. They may be found working in every kind of organization: manufacturing, distribution, transportation, mercantile, and service. Their responsibilities range from the design of unit operations to that of controlling complete production and service systems. Their jobs involve the integration of the physical, financial, economic, and human components of such systems to attain specified goals. Industrial engineering includes activities such as production planning and control; quality control; inventory, equipment warehouse, and materials management; plant layout; and job and work station design. Industrial engineering programs were started at Columbia in 1919.

Columbia Video Network's online format not only enables me to balance my full-time work with my personal goal to receive a technical degree, but ultimately makes it possible to earn the same prestigious Columbia University degree as on-campus students.
John Sinerchio P.E., AT&T

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the Certification of Professional Achievement Program must submit official transcripts, 3 letters of recommendation, personal-professional statement, resume, and the $150 application fee.

Degree required for admission: Students admitted to the program must possess a bachelor's degree in engineering, science, mathematics, computer science, statistics, economics with a minor in mathematics, or other related field from an accredited academic institution. Students should posess a strong mathematics background (three terms calculus, one term ordinary differential equations required; one term linear algebra recommended). Applicants should have a strong undergraduate record to be competitive for admission. 

GPA required: Minimum of 3.0 

Candidates for the Certification of Professional Achievement Program must complete the program of study as defined by the appropriate department. Program requirements for completion of these Certification Programs are listed below:

  • 4 Graduate-level classes all earned through CVN, as a non-degree student.
  • Minimum of 12 credit points
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Completion of program within two (2) calendar years.


Required Courses

Core Courses:

  • IEOR E4150: Probability and Statistics
  • IEOR E4004: Optimization Models and Methods or IEOR E4007: Optimization Models and Methods (FE)*

Course List

Elective Courses: Choose 2 of the following.

  • IEOR E4106: Stochastic Models or IEOR E4701: Stochastic Models (FE)*
  • IEOR E4403: Quantitative Corporate Finance
  • IEOR E4520: Applied Systems Engineering
  • IEOR E4405: Scheduling
  • IEOR E4601: Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management

* Course focuses on applications to the financial services industry. Only one course, not both, can be applied to a degree program from the IEOR department.

Tuition & Fees

2023–2024 Tuition & Fees

Please note that all tuition and fees are in U.S. dollars and are estimated. Tuition and most fees are prescribed by statute and are subject to change at the discretion of the Trustees.

CVN Credit Tuition: $2,584.00 per point (Credit Hour)
CVN Fee: $395 non-refundable fee per course
Transcript Fee: $105 non-refundable one-time fee
Tuition Deposit: $1,000 (More information on our Resources page)

Estimated cost of one nondegree course: $8,252.00
Estimated total cost of certification (four courses): $32,693.00

Estimated total cost of MS (ten courses): $81,575.00
*Estimated total cost of DES (ten courses plus a minimum of 12 research credits): $112,583.00

Graduate Admission Application Fee: $85 non-refundable one-time fee
Certification Program Application Fee: $85 non-refundable one-time fee

Late Registration Fee: $100 non-refundable fee

CVN Withdrawal Fee: $75, plus prorated tuition and all non-refundable fees
For example: A three-credit course would be $7,752 + transcript fee $105 (one-time) + CVN fee $395 = $8,252

*Assumes DES student enrolls in two six-credit research courses.

For Drop/Withdrawal fees and dates, refer to the Academic Calendar for the current term.

Please note: CVN no longer offers courses for audit.

Payment should be mailed to:

Attn: Shewanna House
Accounting & Business Management
Senior Student Services Rep
Payments & Deposits
210 Kent Hall, Mail Code 9205
1140 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027

Before you mail your check or money order, please take careful note of the following requirements to ensure the timely processing of your payment: https://sfs.columbia.edu/content/pay-mail.

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