The non-degree program is perfect for students who wish to take a single course or for students who plan on applying to a matriculated program via CVN.
Students can take up to six credits or two classes as a non-degree student and apply those toward an MS program. Though non-degree grades are considered with the MS application, doing well as a non-degree student does not guarantee admission to a matriculated program.
Students who begin their studies at Columbia University under non-matriculated status through CVN must continue to take all of their coursework through CVN. When applying for admission to a degree program, students must submit all of their application materials directly to Columbia Video Network for processing. Applications that are sent directly to the Office of Graduate Student Services will result in total forfeiture of all credits taken under non-matriculated status through CVN. All Columbia courses to be used towards a student's program must be completed via CVN.
To apply for non-degree status, complete the non-degree application. Applicants must submit their resume, a 250–1,000 word personal/professional statement, and transcripts. The GRE is not required. Non-degree applications will be processed within two weeks.